Kepenkeck Gold Project
Project Summary
595 claim units over 15,625 hectares located near the NE extension of the Hermitage Flexure and along trend from Canstar Resources’ Golden Baie Project in Newfoundland
New road access, little historical work, and favourable geology located on a major structure
Recent prospecting completed by the vendor (the Keats) identified up to 2.45 g/t gold in grab samples. Visible gold has been panned from till in two locations on the property
The Kepenkeck Gold Joint Venture project, while early in the exploration cycle, is showing significant potential. The Sokoman Minerals Corp. and Benton Resources Inc. Joint Venture Alliance (the “Alliance”) has done limited work thus far but has already identified anomalous gold in bedrock and boulders grading up to 5.8 g/t Au
In addition, the Alliance has recently discovered high-grade uranium in five samples that were collected from a radioactive area of black topsoil and sandy till that was sampled along the projected contact of a granite and sedimentary unit. All five samples contain significant uranium grading between 0.06% and 1.86% U308. The Alliance is planning follow-up work.